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These are a few words about me. I was born in Moscow in 1981. After the routine of army service and the forced pause in my life had helped me to understand myself and to decide in life, I entered the Moscow University of Culture and Arts, the studio of Yuri Babich. Before that I’d graduated from the Moscow Institute of electronics and mathematics, and at that time I seriously thought of doing engineering. At the University of Culture and Arts under the guidance of an experienced master I made the first drafts. Currently I’m engaged in the creation of photographic projects, studying the history of photography, photographic plastique; I investigate the possibility of integrating photos into different types of art. For me photography is a language I feel comfortable to speak about what I am concerned, what I am interested in.


Melancholia is the state of soul caused by having an opportunity to choose your own way. The choice appears or is given from above for experience and self-cultivation, for coming up to a new stage in intellectual and mental development. The choice can be treated as great blessing, but at the same time, as great responsibility and a burden. … Continue readingMelancholia