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“Return to the Roots”

“Return to the Roots”, this could be the title for this small series of works shot more than 10 years ago. Then these works did not form a single row. But now, basing on the experience and understanding of the photographic image that have been formed over the years, I can bring these works together, and, first of all, in my mind. It was not by chance that I returned to them and symbolically called this sequence “Return to the Roots”. While working on new projects, at some point I realized that I began to lose simplicity. That simplicity that defines a good work. Excessive accumulation of details, slipping into verbal language, in a word, a cheerful picture, devoid of internal tension, dramatic images. However, I kept several works from this series in my head, and I always thought back to them. Thus, all the vectors met in space and time, everything lined up in my head. The last difficult and important task is to print these works. The key point of the project is the plastic solution that strongly goes against modern trends: nailed contrast, veil and virtually no black, but this is the key to understanding, viscous, slow, dragging, time-stopping image movement. Rest for an inflamed and overheated mind, craving rest.

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Author: Viacheslav Kabanov

These are a few words about me. I was born in Moscow in 1981. After the routine of army service and the forced pause in my life had helped me to understand myself and to decide in life, I entered the Moscow University of Culture and Arts, the studio of Yuri Babich. Before that I’d graduated from the Moscow Institute of electronics and mathematics, and at that time I seriously thought of doing engineering. At the University of Culture and Arts under the guidance of an experienced master I made the first drafts. Currently I’m engaged in the creation of photographic projects, studying the history of photography, photographic plastique; I investigate the possibility of integrating photos into different types of art. For me photography is a language I feel comfortable to speak about what I am concerned, what I am interested in.